Mount Fitzgerald

País  Nueva Zelanda (Oceanía) [Canterbury]
Altura: 826 msnm  0K
Cima (Latitud, Longitud): -43.706819, 172.835720

Enrique Cartagena ha subido a Mount Fitzgerald 1 vez

From Pettigrews Road

Vista 1 vez

  613 m   830 m
  611 m   453 m

7.3 km 7.41 km 14.71 km
1h 53min 55s 1h 43min 37s 3h 37min 32s
3.85 km/h 4.29 km/h 4.06 km/h


Hike to the top of Mount Fitzgerald (826 m) in the Banks peninsula. This tracks follows the official Te Ara Pātaka/Summit Walkway from the Department of Conservation (DOC) although it does not start exactly from the same spot and obviously it turns around once reaching Mount Fitzgeral summit.

Most of the track is on farmland but no permission needs to be requested, just be respectful, especially when walking near sheep or cattle. The track is well marked with DOC orange poles.

The track first goes up Mount Sinclair but it doesn't get to the top. There is so much vegetation and I could not find an easy way to get to the top.
Then it loses a bit less than 100 meters of elevation and then it starts going up Mount Fitzgerald.
To get to the top of Mount Fitzgerald you get out of Te Ara Pātaka/Summit Walkway just about 40 meters on very easy terrain.

The return is exactly on the same track so you have to lose elevation and go up Mount Sinclair for a second time.

In summary, easy track, with nice views of the sea from different spots.