We are already 74 members

sharing 691 ascents to 8346 mountains

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is a community of people who share the love for the outdoors and enjoy climbing mountains.

Here you can find

  • Information about mountains from all over the world, gps tracks and details shared by the members who have been already there. This makes it easier for you to plan your next adventure.
  • A dashboard presenting insights about the summits you have already achieved as well as the status of the goals you have set for yourself.

Our aim is

to motivate you to get out of your cozy house and embark yourself on that adventure that will fill your boots with mud and make you sweat but will also make you feel proud while enjoying the views from the top and sharing the moment with your friends.
Not to mention how great it feels that hot shower you take once you are logo Back from Summit

Get out there and create another unforgettable memory for the rest of your life!