[Spanish] Track completo de la subida al Kilimanjaro por la ruta Machame en 6 dÃas.
Personalmente me ha parecido perfecta la combinación de la ruta Machame realizada en 6 dÃas. La ruta Machame es una ruta variada y 6 dÃas te permiten aclimatar adecuadamente. Yo no tuve ningún sintoma de mal de altura.
Añadir algún dÃa adicional te ayuda a aclimatar mejor pero por el contrario te va desgastando. Hay que tener en cuenta que estamos en mitad de la naturaleza y el clima no siempre es agradable. Varios dÃas de lluvia y frio pueden desgastar bastante.
Primer dÃa de nuestra expedición de subida al Kilimanjaro.
Empezamos en la puerta Machame (Machame gate) donde los porteadores se preparan con la carga y se la pesan para que no se pasen de peso.
El camino, muy ancho y marcado, transcurre entre la vegetación muy expesa hasta llegar al campamento Machame.
Empezamos en el campamento Machame (Machame camp) y llegaremos hasta el campamento en las cuevas Shira (Shira caves camp).
El camino sigue siendo entre vegetación pero conforme aumentamos de altitud la vegetación se va haciendo menos espesa hasta casi desaparecer.
Empezamos en el campamento Shira caves y andamos en dirección a la montaña. Primero pasaremos por nuestro punto alto del dÃa para aclimatar, el campamento Lava Tower, y desde aquà descenderemos hasta el Barranco camp.
El dÃa de hoy empieza en Barranco camp y subiremos hasta Barafu camp pasando por Karanga camp.
Si en vez de 6 dÃas realizas la ruta en 7 dÃas harás noche en Karanga camp.
Barafu camp es el que se considera el campamento base desde donde atacaremos la cumbre al dÃa siguiente.
Una vez subamos la pared tendremos vista de la zona nevada de la montaña, si las nubes lo permiten. Desde aquà bajaremos hasta Karanga camp, con una pequeña subida final. A partir de Karanga camp es todo subida hasta Barafu camp.
Hoy es el dÃa que subiremos a la cumbre, el Uhuru peak.
La jornada suele empezar sobre las 12 de la noche para tener tiempo suficiente de subir a la cima, bajar de nuevo al campo base y tras un descanso de unas horas seguir bajando dos campos mas hasta el Mweka camp a 3100 metros de altitud.
La subida a cima tiene una pendiente alta y constante. Poco a poco y con paciencia iremos ascendiendo hasta llegar al collado que representa la llegada al crater. Este es el Stella point (5756m). A partir de aquà seguiremos ascendiendo con una pendiente mas suave hasta por fin llegar al punto mas alto, el Uhuru peak a 5895m.
Sexto y último dÃa de nuestra expedición de subida al Kilimanjaro.
Sencillo dia de bajada desde el Mweka camp hasta la Mweka gate donde terminará nuestra fantastica aventura.
Todo el camino de hoy transcurrirá por la zona de selva igual que la del primer dÃa.
[English] Full track to the summit of Kilimanjaro following the Machame route.
Personally I found perfect the combination of Machame route and 6 days. The Machame route is quite varied and 6 days give you plenty of time to acclimatize. I didn't feel any symptoms from altitude sickness.
Adding extra days helps you to acclimatize but it also wears you. Keep in mind that we are in the middle of nature and the weather is not always enjoyable. Several days of rain and cold wear quite a bit.
 - Drink lots of water.
 - Ascend slowly. Walk at a slow pace. Don't get exhausted. Pole pole.
 - Don't get cold.
 - Rest before getting tired.
 - Don't drink alcohol.
  - Don't eat too much salt or salty food.
  - Take deep breaths frequently. It helps get oxygen to your cells.
  Headache between 2 and 12 hours of reaching a new altitude.
 Difficulty to fall asleep and sleep, dizziness, tiredness, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing while you are in motion and nausea or vomiting.
 You can also take 600 mg of Ibuprofen every 8 hours to prevent intense altitude sickness.
 Having an anti-inflammatory with you or an aspirin can also help you.
 Treat headache with ibuprofen or paracetamol.
 Avoid somniferous, sedatives, strong analgesics and antihistamines.
Regarding tips it's never easy what's best. After reading a lot and listening to other people I ended up giving 100 USD to the guide, 75 USD to the cook who was also a porter, 70 USD to the waiter who was also a porter y 60 USD to each of the remaining porters (10 USD per day each).
We start at Machame gate where porters get ready with their heavy loads. The load get weighted so they don't carry excessive weight.
The path is wide and well-marked. We walk inside heavy vegetation all the way to Machame camp.
We start at Machame camp and today we will get to Shira caves camp.
The track still goes along vegetation but the more we get closer to the end the vegetation gets smaller and smaller.
We start at Shira caves camp and we walk towards the mountain. First we go up to our highest point of the day, Lava tower camp, to acclimatize properly.
From here is all the way down to Barranco camp.
Today we start at Barranco camp and we will go up to Barafu camp. On our way we will go through Karanga camp.
If you do Machame route in 6 days instead of 7 days you will sleep at Karanga camp.
Barafu camp is considered base camp and from here we will attack the summit the following day.
In the first part of today, right after leaving Barranco camp, we will go up a wall that looks impressive from below. Once we start walking up we realize is not difficult at all.
I read some comments saying that there are some difficult and aerial parts on this wall. I don't agree with those and it cannot be difficult if porters have to go up with such heavy weights on their heads. I posted several pictures showing people going up this wall.
Once at the top of this wall we will have a view of the top part of the mountain, if clouds allow it.
From here we will go down to Karanga camp, with a short final climb.
From Karanga camp is all the way up to Barafu camp.
Today is the day we will reach the summit, the Uhuru peak at 5895m.
The day usually starts at night around 12 to be able to have enough time to get to the summit, come back to the base camp and then continue going down two more camps down to Mweka camp at 3100m.
The slope to go up the summit is quite steep and constant. With patience and slowly we will ascend until we reach the saddle that represents the arrival to the crater. This is the Stella point (5756m).
From here we will keep ascending, it's not so steep, until we reach the highest point, Uhuru peak at 5895m.
Sixth and last day in our expedition to climb Kilimanjaro.
Very easy day to go down from Mweka camp to Mweka gate where our amazing trip will come to an end.
During the whole way down we will be walking inside the forest similar to the first day.